
Skill points and you

Skill points are points used for ranking up your current class. With enough of them, your class will rank up, and you will get stronger and learn new abilities. This can generally be interpreted as job experience.

The skill point system gives a chance for players to receive skill points upon successful action use. As of right now, there are six ways to get skill points:

- Inflict damage on an enemy with an action.
- Provide a buff to an ally in the middle of battle.
- Heal an ally in the middle of battle.
- Parry an attack.
- Inflict a negative status effect on an enemy.
- (Sentinel) Block with your shield.

The amount of skill points you receive is based on a few factors:

- The mob's rank in comparison to yours.
- The amount of damage you inflict to the mob's HP relatively (by % of HP).
- Chance (either you get 0 or you get an amount based on these factors).
- Any bonuses (Garlond Goggles, Guardian's Aspect, or a negative bonus like Fatigue).

Every time you perform an action that grants skill points, there is only a chance to receive it. This chance seems to vary (though may not, it is purely unknown) and determines whether you get skill points or none at all. This can be increased through Guardian's Aspect, but it is unknown if other things affect it.

Guardian's Aspect is a bonus that can be granted upon starting a levequest. It consumes a specific amount of Guardian's Favor based on the level and difficulty of the leve. As of right now, all levequests thus far (up to level 20) seem to consume 10 Guardian's Favor. Your character starts with 200 Guardian's Favor, and it regenerates over real life time. You should generally use Guardian's Favor on levequests where you know you will perform a lot of successful actions for skill points, as Guardian's Favor increases the chance of skill point gain, and generally increases skill point gain. Remember that you have to perform successful actions in order for this to matter, so you should generally make sure you're going to get a lot of those in on a levequest. This means activating it on a levequest with either a lot of monsters, or a smaller party makeup.

So, how exactly is skill point gain calculated? Let's say I'm fighting a monster that is green to me. I can either do my auto attack, or cast Fire. Fire might do 40% of his HP in damage, while my auto attack will do 10%. If I do Fire and I get skill points, I (in theory) should get 4 times as much as Spirit Dart grants. However, if I don't, I won't get any skill points, where as if I used Spirit Dart four times, I might've at least gotten some. There might be soft cap on how many skill points you can get from one single action, but I'm not sure.

It comes down to the question of: should I just auto attack everything? Generally, this is the best idea, but it really could go either way. If you manage to do a strong attack and get tons of SP, it's worth it, and you're downing monsters faster for more loot and physical experience. If you decide to auto attack, you will get a more reliable flow of skill points which generally will mean ranking up faster. Through this, the system certainly seems to punish the idea of doing everything you can to kill the enemy as fast as possible. For example, a debuff like Poison will only grant like 30 skill points (sometimes), but will take away a decent chunk of the monster's HP over time. It could have been a better idea just to do damage and get more skill points for that same amount of HP.

Also note that there seems to be a cap on how many skill points you can attain from a single monster. This amount is relative to your rank in comparison to the enemy. If I'm really lucky, I can do Spirit Dart 4 times and get 80, 80, 80, 80 skill points, but on my fifth, I might get like 59. At that point I'm at my cap for that monster, and won't get any more.

The amount of skill points you get per attack is relative to how much damage you inflicted to the % of the monster's HP, versus the cap. While levequest enemies don't have much HP, their cap is much higher, which means you're going to get much more skill points per successful skill point gain on attack. Skill point cap is much higher if your rank is much lower in comparison to the monster, as well. Guardian's Aspect seems to increase chance and cap. There may also be an invisible ratio that is damage to %HP skill point gain, which (if higher) results in reaching the cap faster, but lower results in taking the monster's whole HP to reach it, or never at all. Also note that each monster might have their own ratio, which means some monsters will grant better skill point gain than others.

Please note that healing, buffing, parrying, debuffing, and shielding also apply. They each push toward that cap and have a chance to grant you skill points. The amount they provide seems relative to the monster's rank and any bonuses. For healing, it is also how much you healed an ally. Partying is generally a decent idea because you can fight higher ranked enemies, which means a higher skill point cap. If their ratio is good enough for damage to %HP and they have enough HP, generally each party member can get an equal share, and result in even more skill points than solo. The only issue with this is that each party member must be doing a lot of damage, and anyone not inflicting damage has lower skill point gain.

Make sure that you're fighting something decent (high blue, green, yellow, or even orange in comparison to you) and keep going. Higher colors result in a higher cap, which overall means more skill points (because their rank is higher), but more difficulty. Note that in a party, you should always be fighting something blue or green (unless it's a guildleve). Your entire party is taken into account when determining the color, thus meaning, just because it's blue, doesn't mean it's lower rank than you. It can be very much higher but is blue because the game thinks it will be easy. The skill point gain will still be good, though you might get killed. Remember that the color is based on rank, not difficulty; which means that the enemy could one shot you all but will be blue because the party to rank ratio seems to think it's a decent fight.

Sometimes, you'll feel like suddenly skill point gain is very low or it just stopped completely. You'll get nothing from a monster, even though you might have been getting some earlier, or he's a decent rank in comparison to you. There just seems to be little hills you have to go over sometimes when ranking up, where skill gain begins to suck. I can only provide THEORIES as to why this is:

-Bad luck. Sucks.
-A hidden value that must be surpassed before you can get skill points again, which is from killing monsters.
-Physical level is too close to rank.
-Fatigue (check your skill point exp number, make sure it's not in yellow).
-Using the same attack too much (people have said that using a variety of attacks seems to result in higher skill point gain, unknown if true).

Point is, if you want to rank up, just keep fighting. Eventually you'll notice some good skill point numbers; but it can take time and luck. More information can be added once we know more, but for now, this is just my diagnosis.

I hope it helps, somehow. Please note that a lot of it may not be true, but it's what I've discovered through ranking up and has helped me. 


I've decided (on release date)

I've decided to wait until the game is officially released on the 30th to put out my review of the game. This is because as it currently stands there are a lot of bugs and things that havn't been implimented yet into the early release. So look out soon, release date is just around the corner (Sep. 30th)


Review out tomorrow!

Well I've been writing the review in bits and pieces since I've been playing the game so much and the review should be done by tomorrow! Sorry for the long 3 day wait but the game is just too fun to stop!


Live game review!

So...I know I said I'd be putting up a review of the game but I can't stop playing...So I'll get it up ASAP (when im not grinding). If you wanna chat hit me up on Mysidia, the name is Danatoth Kikuchi


FFXIV is officially released!!

Just picked up my copy and am currently installing! Words can't describe how excited I am! Tomorrow I'll put of screen shots of my character and do a first day review! Keep in touch~ ~ ~


FFXIV Release is approaching~ ~

With the release of FFXIV only 2 days away I've settled on all my info. I will be playing a Conjurer/Thaumaturge as a Lallafel on the Mysidia server under the name "Danatoth Kikuchi". Feel free to stop by and say hi on release day!


Understanding the Fatigue System

This is a very informative video I found on youtube that explains the fatigue system in depth.
If you were ever confused about any aspect of it I urge you to watch this.


My Review of the Conjurer

So ever since closed beta I've been playing Conjurer as my main class. It is the closest thing I could get to Black Mage / White Mage that I so loved in FFXI. Some things are a hit and some are a miss but overall it is an extremely fun class and I'm enjoying every minute of playing him.

When I first started off as a Conjurer leveling felt a little clunky. I had low HP, MP, and low armor. I also started out in Gridania where poison is a common occurrence, and dying from it is just as common. I was frustrated at first but once I hit Conjurer rank 4 I got cure. This spell changed the entire class around for me. I was now able to beat enemies down with the use of spirit dart (a spell that does lower damage but costs no MP) and then heal up with Cure and continue on my way.

Conjurer is a Disciple of Magic and thus uses MP. Final Fantasy 14 is different this time around as there is no way to regen MP naturally. At first during low levels it is a bit frustrating running out of MP and needing to run back to the nearest Aetheryte crystal to regen your MP. This is pretty much solved once you reach rank 10 and get an ability called “Radiance”. This is a weapon skill that uses TP, it gives back MP proportionate to the amount of damage it does. At level 10 this was giving me back about 60-70 MP every time, it pretty much makes running out of MP a thing of the past.

In FFXIV they have made the combat system very fast paced, this includes the magic system as well. In FFXI you had to cast a long spell that would be interrupted with just 1 hit from the enemy, in FFXIV however, the spells are much shorter and it is much more difficult to get interrupted. Just like attacking with a weapon or using Spirit Dart, magic uses stamina too, although in much greater quantities.

After level 10 Conjurer becomes a power house of pwnage, I easily and quickly destroyed anything in my level range. In the beginning they are a little slow to level but they soon start leveling just as quick or possibly faster than the other classes. The only downside is that if you are playing as a healer in a group setting you will get less skill ups than anyone else.The Conjurer all together is an awesome class, and definitely the one that I will be be playing come release day.

Here is a helpful list of Conjurer abilities:

Suppress your sense and gaze in ward, evoking the power to recover MP.
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: None
Recast Time: 30 minutes
Requires: Conjurer
Spirit Dart
Launch an elemental missile attack. Damage type varies with equipped arm.
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Weapon Skill
Requires: Conjurer

"Deals Fire damage to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 7 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 10
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals Blizzard damage to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 7 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 10
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals Lightning damage to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 7 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 10
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals Water damage to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 7 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 10
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals Stone damage to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 7 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 10
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals Aero damage to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 1
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 7 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 10
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

Trance Chant
"Intensify your next cast, preventing it from being interrupted."
Rank Obtained: 2
Type of Action: Ability
Cast Time: None
Recast Time: 2 minutes
Action Points Required: 3
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic
"Restores HP of allies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 4
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 5 seconds
Action Points Required: 2
MP Cost: 12
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Hardens your skin, allowing a certain amount of damage to be absorbed."
Rank Obtained: 4
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 7 seconds
Recast Time: 30 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 12
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Renders stationary enemies within area of effect immobile."
Rank Obtained: 8
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recast Time: 40 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 8
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic
NOTES: ~ Coming Soon ~

Shock Spikes
"Armors you with lightning spikes, stunning attacking enemies."
Rank Obtained: 8
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Recast Time: 10 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 8
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Enunciate, increasing the magic potency of your next cast. Lengthens cast and recast times."
Rank Obtained: 10
Type of Action: Ability
Cast Time: None
Recast Time: 60 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Sear an enemy with brilliance, dealing astral damage. Grants the caster MP in proportion to the damage dealt."
Rank Obtained: 10
Type of Action: Weapon Skill
Action Points Required: 3
TP Cost: 1000
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals fire damage over time to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 12
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
Recast Time: 12 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 16
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals ice damage over time to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 12
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
Recast Time: 12 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 16
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals water damage over time to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 12
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
Recast Time: 12 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 16
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals earth damage over time to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 12
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
Recast Time: 12 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 16
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Deals wind damage over time to enemies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 12
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2.5 seconds
Recast Time: 12 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 16
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Speak in a whisper, reducing magic potency and lowering the amount of enmity generated."
Rank Obtained: 14
Type of Action: Ability
Cast Time: None
Recast Time: 60 seconds
Action Points Required: 1
MP Cost: 3
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Enhances defense of allies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 16
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Recast Time: 60 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 9
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Enhances magic defense of allies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 16
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Recast Time: 60 seconds
Action Points Required: 3
MP Cost: 9
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

"Channel the elements, binding yourself and reducing MP consumption by half."
Rank Obtained: 18
Type of Action: Ability
Action Points Required: 3
Requires: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic

Cure II
"Restores HP of allies within area of effect."
Rank Obtained: 20
Type of Action: Spell
Cast Time: 2.25 seconds
Recast Time: 5.5 seconds
Action Points Required: 2
MP Cost: 20
Requires: Disciples of War, Discip
les of Magic


My open beta impressions

Alright folks, FFXIV has finally gotten around to open beta and there is a lot to take in! I was lucky enough to get in on the first day and that means I have about a month to rack in those levels!

The first thing I'd like to talk about is the leveling system. You get 2 different levels in FFXIV. The first is your physical level which is shared between all jobs. The 2nd is your job level which is specific towards what weapon you have equipped and these are the levels that grant you abilities. I really enjoy the way this system works out. Instead of having subjobs like in FFXI you mix and match abilities from the different jobs you level up, all the meanwhile you still get to see you physical level go up. It is very satisfying and allows for a totally customized character, it gets a thumbs up from me!

The next thing I'd like to point out is the graphics. They are absolutely STUNNING. I've had times where I am running around in the world and I just stop to admire a tree or a river, the amount of detail that the developers have put into this game is astronomical. These amazing graphics come at a prize though, you are going to need a pretty beastly computer to run it properly (at least until it is released on the ps3 next year). My current system is sporting a 3.6ghz quad core, 4gb of ram, and 1ghz of Vram and I still get hiccups quite a bit (although I attribute this mainly to my cheap graphics card). I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that your not going to be able to run this game without a solid $700 dollar investment if you are building from scratch.

Combat is pretty fast paced in FFXIV and I'm really enjoying it. They have done away with the auto attack system from FFXI and you now must manually attack (which now drains a stamina bar that recharges quickly). This leads to constant interactivity to the game and adds a little more difficulty to the combat system. Weapon skills are back in FFXIV and take TP just as FFXI did, although in FFXIV you gain TP exponentially faster. Magic is similar to melee combat except that your spells cost MP which does not recharge in FFXIV. At first this seems to be a huge hindrance but spells cost next to nothing and you get a spell that does decent damage for no MP. You also get a 15 minute ability that restores MP or you can touch an Aethyrite crystal.

The last topic I'd like to touch on is about the community. So far in open beta there is relatively no interactivity between players. No parties to be found, no guilds offering recruitment, even the chat channels are usually dead. I attribute this to the game being in the beta phase. People that are currently playing FFXIV know that there characters are going to be wiped when the launch date rolls around and thus have little attachment towards their characters. Everyone is rerolling and just messing around at this point. Most people don't even know the basics of the game at the moment, let alone how to structure a party. I believe that FFXIV will be just as social as FFXI when it is released.

All in all I'm having a GREAT time playing the beta and suggest that you play it as well. Hurry up though because you only have until the 29th to report in!

My closed beta impressions

So here it is my first day of playing closed beta. I've decided to play as a Lallafel Conjurer/Thaumaturge.
So far I was surprised at the absence of mana regeneration in the game. So far the only way I've found to regen mana is to touch an Aethyrite crystal or to use the Conjurers 15 minute ability that restores mana. At first I thought this was going to be a huge hindrance but spells cost next to nothing and you get a spell that does decent damage for no mana. I'll report back in later after I delve more into the classes.

The game thus far has been stunningly beautiful. I mean there have been times where I've just been floored by the graphics. So far its been running smooth on my system (4gb ram, 3.6ghz quad core, 1ghz gram) with some hiccups here and there but I am running a pretty bad graphics card. As of now there seems to be no grouping in the game, everyone is off soloing but I can understand this as everyone is just messing around until the game comes out.

I'll fill everyone in on more of my reactions once open beta is released!


Got a closed Beta Key!

Thanks to FFXIVCORE for the Key. Although there are only a few days left in the closed beta, open beta opens sometime in the beginning of September so be excited about that!



So your looking for a signature for you FFXIV forum profile are ye? Well this is the place to ask for it!
I will do 2-3 Signatures a day depending of the load (possibly more depending on the day!)
Just drop off a discription of what you would like it to look like and links to any pictures you'd like to use!


System Requirements

So it looks like the system requirements were released today! W00t!!

So here they are!

Low settings:
Display: 1280x720(windowed)
Ambient Occlusion: off
Depth of Field: on
Shadow Detail: Standard
Multisampling: 4x MSAA
Buffer Size: Window Size
Texture Quality: High
Texture Filtering: High

Recommended specs:

Os: Window 7 32/64 bit
Processor: Intel Core i7 (2.66GHz) or faster
Memory: 4GB+
Storage: Install=15gb Download=6gb
Video: Nvidia Gefore GTX 460 with 768 Vram or equivelant
Sound: Direct sound campatible sound card
Internet: Broadbant
Resolution: 1280x720 or higher
DirectX 9.0c

Looks to be some hefty specs, but what more did you expect from a game of this magnitude!!

World Map!!

It looks like the world map was leaked in a Japanese magazine today! It looks so awesome! I am totally fanboying over this right now XD  I hope you are excited about it as I am!!


FFXIV E3 2010 Trailer

This is simply a must view for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. It is the new trailer
shown at E3 2010. Not new but definitely exciting to watch non the less.